Orsova Subsidiary of Palatul Copiilor Drobeta Turnu Severin organized International Robotics Trophy ROBOTOR 2016, which will has been held in Orsova during May 12 – 14, 2016.
Photos 2016
Feedback 2016
Maria Cristina Moisescu (teacher at Liceul Tehnologic Dacia Pitesti): “Thanks for contest and symposium organization. Everything was great, including the accommodations and meals. I wish you continued success.”
Nelu Ghiteanu (teacher at Palatul Copiilor Targoviste): “All activities (symposium, contests, accomodations, meals, trip) were perfect organized and managed. Congratulations to Agape family for their effort.”
Amalia Mihaela Cucu (teacher at Palatul Copiilor Deva): “Everything was OK, excepting the rain wich stopped just in time. We always liked Orsova (Targoviste is quite far). As time as we stay at the pension is very well.”
Ranking 2016
Contest | Grades | Team Name | Organization | Coordinator Name | Prize |
Dragsters | 2-5 | Alpha Robotics 3 | Palatul Copiilor Târgoviște | Ion GHIŢEANU | 1st Place |
Dragsters | 2-5 | Spike 1 | Palatul Copiilor Iași / Filiala Tg – Frumos | Gheorghe CRISMARIUC | 2nd Place |
Dragsters | 2-5 | Robuz 1 | Palatul Copiilor Buzău | Gheorghe BOSTAN | 3rd Place |
Dragsters | 6-9 | Conexiuni 2 | Palatul Copiilor Drobeta Turnu Severin – Filiala Orșova | Mihai AGAPE | 1st Place |
Dragsters | 6-9 | Spike 2 | Palatul Copiilor Iași / Filiala Tg – Frumos | Gheorghe CRISMARIUC | 2nd Place |
Dragsters | 6-9 | Brâncuși 2 | Palatul Copiilor Târgu Jiu | Vasile GRIDAN | 3rd Place |
Freestyle | 2-5 | Brâncuși 1 | Palatul Copiilor Târgu Jiu | Vasile GRIDAN | 1st Place |
Freestyle | 2-5 | Robuz 1 | Palatul Copiilor Buzău | Gheorghe BOSTAN | 2nd Place |
Freestyle | 2-5 | Brâncuși 1 | Palatul Copiilor Târgu Jiu | Vasile GRIDAN | 3rd Place |
Freestyle | 6-9 | R&P 1 | Sofia Vocational High School of Electronics “John Atanasoff” | Milena GOSHEVA | 1st Place |
Freestyle | 6-9 | Brâncuși 2 | Palatul Copiilor Târgu Jiu | Vasile GRIDAN | 2nd Place |
Freestyle | 6-9 | Dinamic 1 | Palatul Copiilor Iași | Remus PANTELIMONESCU | 3rd Place |
Freestyle | 10-12 | PedaBot | Liceul Pedagogic “Mircea Scarlat” Alexandria | Eliza Marinela SOTIRESCU | 1st Place |
Freestyle | 10-12 | Robodev | Palatul Copiilor Deva | Amalia-Mihaela CUCU and Marcel STRATULAT | 2nd Place |
Freestyle | 10-12 | R&P 1 | Sofia Vocational High School of Electronics “John Atanasoff” | Milena GOSHEVA | 3rd Place |
Karel LiFo | 2-12 | Conexiuni 3 | Palatul Copiilor Drobeta Turnu Severin – Filiala Orșova | Mihai AGAPE | 1st Place |
Karel LiFo | 2-12 | Conexiuni 2 | Palatul Copiilor Drobeta Turnu Severin – Filiala Orșova | Mihai AGAPE | 2nd Place |
Karel LiFo | 2-12 | Conexiuni 1 | Palatul Copiilor Drobeta Turnu Severin – Filiala Orșova | Mihai AGAPE | 3rd Place |
Karel LiMa | 6-12 | Conexiuni 3 | Palatul Copiilor Drobeta Turnu Severin – Filiala Orșova | Mihai AGAPE | 1st Place |
Karel LiMa | 6-12 | Conexiuni 2 | Palatul Copiilor Drobeta Turnu Severin – Filiala Orșova | Mihai AGAPE | 2nd Place |
Karel LiMa | 6-12 | R&P 1 | Sofia Vocational High School of Electronics “John Atanasoff” | Milena GOSHEVA | 3rd Place |
Line Follower | 2-5 | Yelectroshoby | Palatul Copiilor Suceava | Liviu MAFTEAN | 1st Place |
Line Follower | 2-5 | Conexiuni 1 | Palatul Copiilor Drobeta Turnu Severin – Filiala Orșova | Mihai AGAPE | 2nd Place |
Line Follower | 2-5 | Spike 1 | Palatul Copiilor Iași / Filiala Tg – Frumos | Gheorghe CRISMARIUC | 3rd Place |
Line Follower | 6-9 | Robodev | Palatul Copiilor Deva | Amalia-Mihaela CUCU and Marcel STRATULAT | 1st Place |
Line Follower | 6-9 | Paco 1 | Palatul Copiilor Botoșani | Luisian GRIGORE | 2nd Place |
Line Follower | 6-9 | Spike 2 | Palatul Copiilor Iași / Filiala Tg – Frumos | Gheorghe CRISMARIUC | 3rd Place |
Line Follower | 10-12 | Paco 2 | Palatul Copiilor Botoșani | Luisian GRIGORE | 1st Place |
Line Follower | 10-12 | Robodev | Palatul Copiilor Deva | Amalia-Mihaela CUCU and Marcel STRATULAT | 2nd Place |
Line Follower | 10-12 | Conexiuni 3 | Palatul Copiilor Drobeta Turnu Severin – Filiala Orșova | Mihai AGAPE | 3rd Place |
Line Maze | 6-9 | Conexiuni 2 | Palatul Copiilor Drobeta Turnu Severin – Filiala Orșova | Mihai AGAPE | 1st Place |
Line Maze | 6-9 | Alpha Robotics 2 | Palatul Copiilor Târgoviște | Ion GHIŢEANU | 2nd Place |
Line Maze | 6-9 | Robomet | Colegiul Tehnic Metalurgic Slatina | Gheorghe VASILESCU | 3rd Place |
Line Maze | 10-12 | Conexiuni 3 | Palatul Copiilor Drobeta Turnu Severin – Filiala Orșova | Mihai AGAPE | 1st Place |
Line Maze | 10-12 | Yelectroshoby | Palatul Copiilor Suceava | Liviu MAFTEAN | 2nd Place |
Line Maze | 10-12 | Alpha Robotics 1 | Palatul Copiilor Târgoviște | Ion GHIŢEANU | 3rd Place |
Micro Sumo | 6-12 | Paco 2 | Palatul Copiilor Botoșani | Luisian GRIGORE | 1st Place |
Micro Sumo | 6-12 | Yelectroshoby | Palatul Copiilor Suceava | Liviu MAFTEAN | 2nd Place |
Micro Sumo | 6-12 | Alpha Robotics | Palatul Copiilor Târgoviște | Ion GHIŢEANU | 3rd Place |
Mini Sumo | 2-5 | Spike 1 | Palatul Copiilor Iași / Filiala Tg – Frumos | Gheorghe CRISMARIUC | 1st Place |
Mini Sumo | 2-5 | Alpha Robotics 3 | Palatul Copiilor Târgoviște | Ion GHIŢEANU | 2nd Place |
Mini Sumo | 2-5 | Yelectroshoby | Palatul Copiilor Suceava | Liviu MAFTEAN | 3rd Place |
Mini Sumo | 6-9 | Robodev | Palatul Copiilor Deva | Amalia-Mihaela CUCU and Marcel STRATULAT | 1st Place |
Mini Sumo | 6-9 | Electro 1 | Colegiul Tehnic „Gheorghe Asachi” Botoșani | Dănuț HĂILĂ | 2nd Place |
Mini Sumo | 6-9 | Paco 1 | Palatul Copiilor Botoșani | Luisian GRIGORE | 3rd Place |
Mini Sumo | 10-12 | Paco 2 | Palatul Copiilor Botoșani | Luisian GRIGORE | 1st Place |
Mini Sumo | 10-12 | Robodev | Palatul Copiilor Deva | Amalia-Mihaela CUCU and Marcel STRATULAT | 2nd Place |
Mini Sumo | 10-12 | Yelectroshoby | Palatul Copiilor Suceava | Liviu MAFTEAN | 3rd Place |
Solar Robots | 2-5 | Conexiuni 1 | Palatul Copiilor Drobeta Turnu Severin – Filiala Orșova | Mihai AGAPE | 1st Place |
Solar Robots | 2-5 | Brâncuși 1 | Palatul Copiilor Târgu Jiu | Vasile GRIDAN | 2nd Place |
Solar Robots | 2-5 | Pegasus Robotics | Palatul Copiilor Constanța | Petrică Ionel CIOARĂ | 3rd Place |
Solar Robots | 6-9 | Conexiuni 2 | Palatul Copiilor Drobeta Turnu Severin – Filiala Orșova | Mihai AGAPE | 1st Place |
Solar Robots | 6-9 | Brâncuși 2 | Palatul Copiilor Târgu Jiu | Vasile GRIDAN | 2nd Place |
Solar Robots | 6-9 | Robuz 2 | Palatul Copiilor Buzău | Gheorghe BOSTAN | 3rd Place |
Wall Maze | 2-5 | Conexiuni 1 | Palatul Copiilor Drobeta Turnu Severin – Filiala Orșova | Mihai AGAPE | 1st Place |
Wall Maze | 2-5 | YO2LTF | Clubul Copiilor și Elevilor Petroșani | Imre KOVACS | 2nd Place |
Wall Maze | 2-5 | Robopit | Palatul Copiilor Pitești | Margareta Sorina DIACONU | 3rd Place |
Wall Maze | 6-9 | Conexiuni 2 | Palatul Copiilor Drobeta Turnu Severin – Filiala Orșova | Mihai AGAPE | 1st Place |
Wall Maze | 6-9 | Dinamic 1 | Palatul Copiilor Iași | Remus PANTELIMONESCU | 2nd Place |
Wall Maze | 6-9 | Conect | Liceul Tehnologic Dacia Pitești | Maria Cristina MOISESCU | 3rd Place |
Wall Maze | 10-12 | Conexiuni 3 | Palatul Copiilor Drobeta Turnu Severin – Filiala Orșova | Mihai AGAPE | 1st Place |
Wall Maze | 10-12 | R&P 1 | Sofia Vocational High School of Electronics “John Atanasoff” | Milena GOSHEVA | 2nd Place |
Wall Maze | 10-12 | Roboflor | Liceul Tehnologic Turceni | Nelia-Ana PĂTRĂȘCOIU | 3rd Place |
Line Follower (neo) | 2-5 | Alpha Robotics 3 | Palatul Copiilor Târgoviște | Ion GHIŢEANU | 1st Place |
Line Follower (neo) | 2-5 | Robodev | Palatul Copiilor Deva | Amalia-Mihaela CUCU and Marcel STRATULAT | 2nd Place |
Line Follower (neo) | 2-5 | Brâncuși 1 | Palatul Copiilor Târgu Jiu | Vasile GRIDAN | 3rd Place |
Line Follower (neo) | 6-9 | Electro 1 | Colegiul Tehnic „Gheorghe Asachi” Botoșani | Dănuț HĂILĂ | 1st Place |
Line Follower (neo) | 6-9 | Alpha Robotics 2 | Palatul Copiilor Târgoviște | Ion GHIŢEANU | 2nd Place |
Line Follower (neo) | 6-9 | RoboPit | Palatul Copiilor Pitești | Margareta Sorina DIACONU | 3rd Place |
Line Follower (neo) | 10-12 | Electro 2 | Colegiul Tehnic „Gheorghe Asachi” Botoșani | Dănuț HĂILĂ | 1st Place |
Line Follower (neo) | 10-12 | Alpha Robotics 1 | Palatul Copiilor Târgoviște | Ion GHIŢEANU | 2nd Place |
Line Follower (neo) | 10-12 | R&P 1 | Sofia Vocational High School of Electronics “John Atanasoff” | Milena GOSHEVA | 3rd Place |
Mini Sumo (neo) | 6-9 | Dinamic 1 | Palatul Copiilor Iași | Remus PANTELIMONESCU | 1st Place |
Mini Sumo (neo) | 6-9 | Alpha Robotics 2 | Palatul Copiilor Târgoviște | Ion GHIŢEANU | 2nd Place |
Mini Sumo (neo) | 6-9 | Brâncuși 2 | Palatul Copiilor Târgu Jiu | Vasile GRIDAN | 3rd Place |
Symposium 2016
Certificate No. | Name | Institution | Symposium Paper Name | Student / Teacher |
640-1 | Teodor MESEȘAN | Clubul Copiilor Novaci | About Robots | Teacher |
640-2 | Oana Teodora BOGHIU | Liceul Tehnologic de Mecatronică şi Automatizări Iaşi | Autonomous Carriers Robots | Teacher |
640-3 | Gavril CONSTANTIN | Liceul Tehnologic de Mecatronică şi Automatizări Iaşi | Autonomous Carriers Robots | Teacher |
640-4 | Dănuț HĂILĂ | Colegiul Tehnic „Gheorghe Asachi” Botoşani | Designing PCBs in Proteus | Teacher |
640-5 | Nelia-Ana PĂTRĂȘCOIU | Liceul Tehnologic Turceni | Drivelines Used in the Structure of Industrial Robots | Teacher |
640-6 | Tullia URSCHITZ | Istituto Comprensivo Bartolomeo Lorenzi – Fumane Verona – Italy | Educational robotics and coding in the curriculum: approach to promote STEM and inclusion in the classroom | Teacher |
640-7 | Mihai CRISTINA | Liceul Tehnologic „Dacia” Pitești | Electrics and Electronics Reusable Materials | Teacher |
640-8 | Daniela TĂNASE | Liceul Tehnologic „Dacia” Pitești | Electrics and Electronics Reusable Materials | Teacher |
640-9 | Cosmina GEORGESCU | Liceul Tehnologic „Dacia” Pitești | Electronics – Artificial Intelligence | Teacher |
640-10 | Ana MOȘTEANU | Liceul Tehnologic „Dacia” Pitești | Electronics – Artificial Intelligence | Teacher |
640-11 | Gheorghe BOSTAN | Palatul Copiilor Buzău | How to Introduce Robotics in Our Activity | Teacher |
640-12 | Margareta Sorina DIACONU | Palatul Copiilor Pitești | Industrial Manufacturing Methods for Printed Circuit Boards | Teacher |
640-13 | Mihaela CRIȘAN | Liceul Tehnologic „Dacia” Pitești | Intelligent Electronic Equipements | Teacher |
640-14 | Florea PETRA | Colegiul Tehnic Metalurgic Slatina | Interconnectors. Fasteners joints between the different types of materials | Teacher |
640-15 | Gheorghe VASILESCU | Colegiul Tehnic Metalurgic Slatina | Interconnectors. Fasteners joints between the different types of materials | Teacher |
640-16 | Amalia-Mihaela CUCU | Palatul Copiilor Deva | Line Follower Robots | Teacher |
640-17 | Livia STOICA | Colegiul Tehnic Metalurgic Slatina | Line Follower Robots – Controlling, Working Principle and Applications | Teacher |
640-18 | Eugen STOICA | Școala Gimnazială “George Poboran ” Slatina | Line Follower Robots – Controlling, Working Principle and Applications | Teacher |
640-19 | Maria Cristina MOISESCU | Liceul Tehnologic Dacia Pitești | Magic Robot – Line Follower | Teacher |
640-20 | Jose SOARES | Agrupamento de Escolas de Vieira de Leiria, Marinha Grande, Portugal | Mindstorm to Brainstorm – Robots in Primary School | Teacher |
640-21 | Nada STOJIČEVIĆ | Elektrotehnička škola Nikola Tesla, Pančevo | Nearpod – interactivity in the classroom | Teacher |
640-22 | Mihai AGAPE | Palatul Copiilor Drobeta Turnu Severin – Filiala Orșova | Online Resources for Robotics | Teacher |
640-23 | Eliza Marinela SOTIRESCU | Liceul Pedagogic „Mircea Scarlat” Alexandria | PI Explorer – The Robot that Saves Lives | Teacher |
640-24 | Cosmin IONESCU | Liceul Energetic nr. 1 Târgu Jiu | PLC Using in Electric Drive Systems | Teacher |
640-25 | Alexandru BOGDAN | Palatul Copiilor Constanța | Production Technology of Line and Light Follower Robots | Student |
640-26 | Petrică Ionel CIOARĂ | Palatul Copiilor Constanța | Production Technology of Line and Light Follower Robots | Teacher |
640-27 | Silvian ENE | Palatul Copiilor Constanța | Production Technology of Line and Light Follower Robots | Student |
640-28 | Milena GOSHEVA | Sofia Vocational High School of Electronics “John Atanasoff” | Robotics Experiences | Teacher |
640-29 | Dimitar RANGELOV | Sofia Vocational High School of Electronics “John Atanasoff” | Robotics Experiences | Student |
640-30 | Imre KOVACS | Clubul Copiilor și Elevilor Petroșani | Robots – Intelligent Toys | Teacher |
640-31 | Irina BEJAN | Palatul Copiilor Iași | Sound Synthesis Controller with Arduino Uno | Student |
640-32 | Remus PANTELIMONESCU | Palatul Copiilor Iași | Sound Synthesis Controller with Arduino Uno | Teacher |
640-33 | Gheorghe CRISMARIUC | Palatul Copiilor Iași – Filiala Tg. Frumos | Wall Maze | Teacher |
Schedule 2016
Thursday, 12th May 2016
10:00 – 16:30 Arrival of participants (Colegiul Tehnic Dierna, Pensiunea Alina & Sorin)
16:30 – 17:00 Technical Session (Filiala Orșova)
17:00 – 17:30 Participants Registration (Filiala Orșova)
17:30 – 19:40 International Robotics Symposium ROBOTOR 2016 (Filiala Orșova)
19:50 – 20:50 Dinner (Colegiul Tehnic Dierna)
Friday, 13th May 2016
08:00 – 08:45 Breakfast (Colegiul Tehnic Dierna)
09:00 – 09:10 Official Opening (Filiala Orșova)
09:10 – 10:00 Robots Calibration (Filiala Orșova)
10:00 – 14:00 International Robotics Trophy ROBOTOR 2016 (Filiala Orșova)
– Dragsters Race (Firefly, and Junior)
– Solar Robots Race (Firefly, and Junior)
– Follower Contest (Firefly, Junior, and Senior)
– Mini / Micro Sumo Contest (Firefly, Junior, and Senior)
– Maze Contest (Firefly, Junior, and Senior)
– Freestyle Contest (Firefly, Junior, and Senior)
– Contests for KAREL platform (Line Follower, and Maze)
14:10 – 15:15 Lunch (Colegiul Tehnic Dierna)
15:30 – 18:30 Danube Boat Trip (Embarkation point = Școala Gimnazială Pamfil Șeicaru)
19:00 – 20:00 Dinner (Colegiul Tehnic Dierna)
Saturday, 14th May 2016
08:00 – 09:00 Breakfast (Colegiul Tehnic Dierna)
09:30 – 10:00 Awarding Ceremony (Filiala Orșova)
10:00 – 11:00 Round table with theme “European Funding Opportunities for Robotic Projects” (Filiala Orșova)
11:00 – 13:00 Robotics Workshop (Filiala Orșova)
13:00 – 14:00 Lunch (Colegiul Tehnic Dierna)
14:00 – 18:00 Departure of participants